Wolf Spider Bite: Pictures, Treatment, and Symptoms
Research indicates that there are over 200 species of wolf spiders in the United States. Despite these spiders being common, they are not aggressive. Unlike some species that will bite, wolf spiders prefer to retreat. Can wolf spiders bite? In rare circumstances, wolf spiders will bite.
In this article, we explain everything you need to know about a wolf spider bite. We’ll also list some of the symptoms to expect and the treatment options available.
How Does a Wolf Spider Look Like?
Wolf spiders are half an inch to two inches long. They have a brown color that changes depending on their habitat. Unlike other spiders, wolf spiders have eight eyes and legs. You’ll spot claws at the end of each body segment. The female wolf spider has spiderlings on its back.
The abdominal area is also hairy. Wolf spiders don’t create webs, but they can be found in cracks and burrows. The wolf spiders hide underneath burrows.
Where do Wolf Spiders Live?
Wolf spiders are ground hunters, which means they like being under firewood, leaves, timber, under stones, and other debris. They can get indoors when searching for prey. You’re likely to spot them under furniture and along walls.
Wolf Spider Bites
Do wolf spiders bite? Wolf spiders aren’t aggressive but prefer to retreat and hide. You can get bitten if you come in close contact with this spider. Is a wolf spider bite poisonous? Wolf spider bites are not poisonous, but they can be venomous. The venom can cause some allergic reaction.
Wolf spiders release venom to paralyze their prey. However, this venom isn’t harmful or fatal to humans. The spider makes two pinpricks when they bite the skin. Check out this wolf spider bite picture.
Identifying Wolf Spider Bites on Humans
The first indication of a wolf spider bite is the red marks on the area. After half an hour, you’ll notice some swelling, and you may begin experiencing some intense pain and itchiness. The pain can last for up to ten days after you’ve been bitten.
The skin turns dark brown. Taking precautions can help prevent an infection, which could cause complications.
Other symptoms you may experience include:
- Feeling dizzy
- Skin turning red
- Feeling nauseous
The itching pain could cause blisters to form. When these blisters burst, they form ulcers.
Identifying Wolf Spider Bites on Pets
If your pet has a wolf spider bite, he may limp, lick the bite site, or hold his paw up in the air. The dog can exhibit other symptoms like vomiting, seizures, agitation, and the development of a rush if he’s sensitive to the venom.
Treatment of Wolf Spider Bites
You can take some measures to manage the itchiness, swelling, or soreness. Also, the right treatment will help to avoid infections.
To start with, clean the affected area with soap and water. Place a cold towel or apply an ice pack to minimize swelling. The low temperatures produce a numbing effect, something that helps to reduce inflammation and provide a soothing sensation. If the bite is itchy, you can take an antihistamine. Do not scratch the bite as this could lead to an infection.
The symptoms will go away after some days. If you don’t see any improvement, visit a doctor for advice and treatment. The doctor may prescribe painkillers to neutralize the venom. Aspirin has anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce the swelling.
Eliminating Wolf Spiders
Knowing the best way to keep the spiders away will help you avoid the bites. You can take specific measures to keep these pests away. These include:
Using Pesticides
Chemicals can help kill wolf spiders and prevent an infestation. Make sure to use pesticides that contain pyrethrin. Read carefully and ensure that you don’t handle the chemicals directly to avoid irritation. Always wear protective gloves.
Clean the Surroundings
Wolf spiders feed on insects and other pests. Cleaning around, trimming the trees, and clearing the bushes can help reduce potential food sources. Get rid of unused containers and boxes.
Seal any Holes or Cracks
Inspect your house, walls, and foundation for possible holes and cracks. Wolf spiders can use these to get inside your home. Repair any broken screens and window panes. Also, incorporate weather stripping on the doors to keep the pests away.
Final Thoughts
Wolf spider bites are itchy, although they are not poisonous. Knowing how the bite looks and taking the necessary steps to treat it can help in the event of a wolf spider bite. You can prevent the bites by avoiding being in contact with wolf spiders.
Get rid of anything that may act as a hiding place like plant debris and clutter. Eliminate any potential food source like dead insects. Also, vacuuming can remove insects. Get in touch with a professional pest control company if you suspect you may have a wolf spider infestation.
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