Best Snake Repellents
Snakes are one of the most feared reptiles out there. More often than not, people tend to get really scared when they see a snake. This is mostly due to the fact that we all think that a small snake in our backyard is a cobra or a python, two very deadly species. This isn’t the case, however.
In fact, many snakes can help you get rid of drain flies. But, this doesn’t mean that they aren’t pests themselves. Many of us, and probably many of you would still classify snakes as a pest. And just like any other pest out there, nobody truly likes them.
So, just like the American cockroaches and ants, there are tons of different ways to get rid of them. Actually, there are so many ways that we couldn’t even mention each one here today. But today, we will take a look at some of the many snake repellents currently available on the market.
Our Best Snake Repellents
Here are the best snake repellents we could find that are available.
Ortho Snake-B-Gon Snake Repellent Granules
The first product on our list is snake repellent granules by Ortho, a very well-known company in the pesticide industry. This product is a really cheap way that can help you get rid of a snake infestation. In fact, it’s one of the most affordable products we will talk about today. These granules are an amazing option for those who don’t want to spend a lot of money on a pesticide.
When you buy a whole bottle of this, it offers excellent value for your money. You will get a full bottle of granules for a reasonably low price. This mixture uses essential oils. It targets the smell and taste of snakes, repelling them away from your house. We aren’t capable of smelling the granules, so you can just place them all over your house without worrying about anything.
This product is environmentally friendly, and you can use it right after you buy it. It is not harmful to plants, so you can safely place it all over your garden.
Ortho Snake-B-Gon Pros
100% natural ingredients
Great water resistance
Ortho Snake-B-Gon Cons
Not as effective against copperheads
Exterminators Choice Snake Defence Natural Snake Repellent
This is another top snake repellent that is currently available. It is sold by Exterminator’s Choice. The name says it all; we can’t even say much about it. We would definitely suggest you buy a whole bottle and try it out.
A full bottle of this snake repellent is really cost-friendly and can cover a fairly big area. It can make a 3 ft. barrier around your whole property. What makes this product stand out is the fact that it uses several essential oils, like peppermint and cinnamon oil, and it relies heavily on the strong odor that it emits in order to keep serpents away.
Just like the previous product on our list, this one is environmentally friendly. It isn’t harmful to most pets, so you don’t need to worry about that. They also claim that it works perfectly in both venomous and non-venomous snakes.
This product is a great alternative to granules. If you don’t like the idea of spreading small bits of poison all over your yard, then this product is the perfect one for you. Overall, it is a fantastic product, and it is surely one of the best snake repellents.
Exterminators Choice Snake Defence Pros
Repels rodents as well
Made with essential oils
Exterminators Choice Snake Defence Cons
Doesn’t have the best weather resistance
Exterminators Choice Snake Defence Pros
Repels rodents as well
Made with essential oils
Exterminators Choice Snake Defence Cons
Doesn’t have the best weather resistance
Safer Brand 5951 Snake Shield Repellent
We chose this product just because of its beautiful name. Snake Shield. It even sounds effective. All jokes aside, this is a very effective snake repellent, and we consider it one of the most effective snake repellents on the market.
Just like the product by Ortho, this one is a granular product. It emits a scent that is compiled by numerous essential oils, like clove and cinnamon. While the smell is really pleasant to humans, it is quite strong and unpleasant to snakes. This odor will immediately start working once you spread it around your property. Plus, this product is 100% safe for your children, pets, and your garden.
To apply Snake Shield, you will need to shake the granules directly from the package and create an 8-inch wide barrier around the targeted area. You have to make sure that the barrier strip you created is continuous with no gaps. This barrier will keep any snakes away from the area for many weeks. If the unfortunate event of rain comes up, make sure to reapply the granules.
Snake Shield Repellent Pros
Long-lasting residue
No chemicals
Snake Shield Repellent Cons
Shouldn’t be applied in large areas
Snake Shield Repellent Pros
Long-lasting residue
No chemicals
Snake Shield Repellent Cons
Shouldn’t be applied in large areas
Victor VP364B Way Snake Repelling Granules
This is another granular snake repellent, this time sold by Victor. The real question is, who is Victor? And why has Victor made one of the most effective snake repellents that we have ever seen?
Well, those are interesting questions. We can certainly answer the second one by saying that this is one of the best snake repellents because it targets the snakes’ sense of smell, repelling them away from the area that has been treated. But, we can’t say who Victor really is. As for the scent, let’s just say that most snakes will get as far away from the area in order to find a place where they can breathe fresh air.
Thankfully, this product works perfectly against non-venomous and venomous snakes. That includes rattlesnakes and garter snakes.
The great thing about these granules is that they are EPA-registered. That means that even the EPA acknowledges that they are great. Plus, they are environmentally-friendly and not harmful to humans. That is true only if you use them correctly. However, the EPA suggests that you don’t place the granules in an area where pets will roam. With a bag of these granules, you will be able to cover five acres of land, with each application lasting around two to three months.
If you want to have the best results with these, make sure to spread them around a perimeter you wish to protect. For rattlesnakes, spread them out in a band with a width of 8-12 inches, while for garter snakes, the band needs to be smaller, at around five inches wide. Make sure to reapply the granules after heavy rain.
Victor VP364B Way Pros
Lasts really long
Comes In resealable bags
Victor VP364B Way Cons
Not the best for your pets
Victor VP364B Way Pros
Lasts really long
Comes In resealable bags
Victor VP364B Way Cons
Not the best for your pets
Enviro Pro 16003 Snake Scram Shaker Bag
The last product on our list is another granular product. Who would have thought? This one is sold by Enviro Pro. It has an all-natural scent, and it works just like all other granules. It overwhelms the snakes’ sense of smell and forces them to go towards another place to find fresh air. That is what makes it one of the most effective snake repellents on the market. It is really effective against most snakes, including copperheads.
Just like most of the products we have already mentioned, this one uses a mixture of all-natural essential oils, like cinnamon, clove, and garlic. The interesting thing about this one is that it also uses sulfur and peanut hulls. It’s not harmful against humans or pets, and it’s also safe for your garden.
Just one bag of this can cover a total of 2,100 square feet. Keep in mind that if you want the best results, you will need to reapply it every two weeks, 30 days after you have done the first treatment.
Enviro Pro 16003 Snake Pros
Covers a gigantic area
Made with essential oils
Enviro Pro 16003 Snake Cons
Nothing of note
Enviro Pro 16003 Snake Pros
Covers a gigantic area
Made with essential oils
Enviro Pro 16003 Snake Cons
Nothing of note
When Do Snakes Come Out?
Snakes like warm weather. So, you can expect most snakes to come out when the temperatures are between 80 and 90 degrees. So, most snakes will start appearing during the spring and throughout summer in some areas.
As for the time that snakes are active, we could say that they tend to be most active during the early mornings or the late afternoons. That happens because the temperatures during summer tend to get too hot for them to come out during noon.
Before snakes go into hibernation, they will start being active again. So, you can expect their activity to increase during the early fall.
How Does Snake Repellent Work?
As we mentioned numerous times above, most snake repellents use essential oils that target the snakes’ Jacobson’s organ. This is a small patch of cells in the nose that senses odors, like those from most snake repellents.
Once a snake comes across one of these repellents, they will detect the unpleasant odor of the oils, which will make them avoid the area. This is also why you need to keep applying the repellents to keep the scent potent.
As for ultrasonic snake repellents, they emit a really high frequency, which is disturbing to snakes. Some have argued that these don’t affect snakes since they don’t have ears, but that is simply not true. Snakes are reptiles, so they don’t hear as mammals do. They pick up different vibrations. That is how most ultrasonic repellents work.
How Do You Use Snake Repellent?
If you have an ultrasonic snake repellent, all you need to do is insert it into the ground, like a solar garden light. Make sure that the repellent gets as much sunlight as possible. These repellents tend to take some time to start working properly, but when the snakes understand that the sound isn’t going away, they avoid the area.
As for granular snake repellents, all you have to do is sprinkle the granules along the perimeter of the area you want to protect. You could also add them all over your garden so that you cover your whole property, or you could just place them on the area that tends to have snakes. Keep in mind that if you want to keep big snakes away, you will have to apply the repellent in a wider band.
What Makes a Great Snake Repellent?
The three key factors are strength, effectiveness, and overall cost. Some repellents are affected by rain, while others still work perfectly after heavy rain. As for the effectiveness, it all depends on the number of snakes a repellent can handle. There are products that only last a few days, while others last for months. Most products range from $8 to $60, so keep the price in mind as well.
Risks of Snake Repellent
While most snake repellents are safe, some of them might be toxic to animals, especially ones that contain naphthalene. There are also some snake repellents that are carcinogens, so you should avoid these by using environmentally friendly ones.
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Natural Snake Repellents
This is a really common snake repellent that can be found in most products, and is also one of the cheapest ones on the market right now. The smell is really pungent, though, so keep that in mind.
Plant Lemongrass
While we don’t exactly know how lemongrass works, it is certainly really effective against any type of snake.
Plant Wormwood
Just like lemongrass, this tends to spread around really quick, and its bunches tend to get huge, so keep an eye out for that.
Keep chickens and pigs
This one is simple. Chickens and pigs love eating snakes. And snakes love chicken eggs. So, why not make a coop?
Plant Roses
Roses can be a great way to prevent any snakes from roaming around your yard.
Essential oils
We’ve already said it a billion times, but snakes hate essential oils.
Plug Holes
Snakes might think that a hole is their new home. So plug holes to keep the snakes at bay.
Clear Debris
Clearing debris from your house can prevent snakes from entering your home or your garage.
We hate garlic. Vampires hate garlic even more. And so do snakes.
Just like essential oils, sulfur will discourage snakes from entering areas where it is present.
Sharp Mulch
If you use stuff like coral or eggshells, snakes tend to stay away.
Relocate Snakes
If nothing else works, try relocating the snakes. They might have been stuck somewhere, so you’re probably doing them a favor.
Tips on How to Prevent Snakes From Getting in Your Backyard and House
Make sure that the snakes don’t have any access to any structures and that you don’t have any rodents in your yard. A great tip is to mow your lawn as often as possible to reduce the number of hiding places in your yard.
Other than these, if you have any problems with pests, make sure to contact us here.
“Take care of your pests before it’s too late.”
Frequently Asked Questions
Most of the natural repellents we mentioned work on lizards as well.
Most snake repellents have pleasant smells to us. This is because most of them have essential oils.
While this is not likely, we can’t eliminate the chance of it happening.
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