Adams Flea and Tick Spray

Adams Flea and Tick Spray

Fleas and ticks are known to be some of the most troublesome pests that you can encounter. They infest your home fast, and their bites cause annoyance and skin itching and redness. Apart from these, fleas and ticks may transmit diseases and carry intestinal parasites. 

Fleas and ticks usually cling to your pets for more extended periods since their warm fur provides the perfect environment for fleas and ticks to propagate. It is advisable to use soap to kill fleas and ticks or use pest repellents when trying to free your pets from annoying pests.  

The pest infestation usually starts when your pet enters the house, and the pests detach from them inside the home. This leads to more significant problems that will need better solutions. At present, many products in the market target fleas and ticks, but one product we recommend is the Adams Flea and Tick Spray. 

Adams Flea and Tick Spray

Adam Flea and Tick Spray is a powerful spray that kills fleas and ticks on contact. It contains active ingredients that continuously kill flea eggs after the application, thus disrupting the flea life cycle. 

The formulation of Adams Flea and Tick Spray utilizes an effective pesticide alongside an insecticide synergist to create a more potent pest killer. An insect growth regulator is also mixed in the spray to ensure that the protection will last for up to two months. 

We have listed the major benefits of using Adams Flea and Tick Spray:

  • Provide quick relief from biting fleas
  • Kill adult fleas, flea eggs, flea larvae, and ticks 
  • Break the flea life cycle for up to two months
  • Repel mosquitoes

How to Use Adams Flea and Tick Spray

How to Use Adams Flea and Tick Spray

When using Adams Flea and Tick Spray, it is best to follow the instructions to prevent harming your pets. Here we have prepared a guide that you can use when using the spray.

Directions in using the spray:

  • When treating your pet, a light, even coverage of your pet’s fur will effectively control flea and tick infestation. To ensure that the spray will reach the pests, ruffle the coat against the hair’s natural lay while spraying. Remember to cover your pet’s eyes with your hand before spraying.
  • When spraying, do it with a firm, fast stroke. Start with the head and ears, then the chest.
  • If you see a tick, spray it directly.
  • Spray an adequate amount on a cloth, then rub the face (around mouth, nose, and eyes) gently. 
  • Spray the neck, middle, and hindquarters, finishing with legs and tail last. 
  • Avoid spraying the rectum and genitals.
  • For continuous flea and tick protection, use the spray every month. 

You should also use this spray on carpets and pet bedding to ensure that no fleas or ticks will be left behind. The nozzle of the spray produces a relatively fine mist, which works well to penetrate and spread on surfaces. 

Precautions when using the spray:

Adams Flea and Tick Spray may cause eye irritation in humans. That is why you should be careful when treating your pets with this product. Before using it, keep in mind these pointers that we have prepared.

  • Do not use on puppies 10 weeks of age or less, and 12 weeks or less for kittens as it may cause temporary, mild skin irritation.
  • After using the spray, always monitor your pet to see if they exhibit abnormal behavior since some pets may be sensitive. If you notice one, call your veterinarian immediately and ask for further advice. 

Ingredients Of Adams Flea And Tick Spray

Ingredients Of Adams Flea And Tick Spray

Adams Flea and Tick Spray contain 3 active ingredients that make it a superior product. The three elements are Etofenprox, Methoprene, and Piperonyl Butoxide.

  • Etofenprox – a synthetic non-ester pyrethroid used as an insecticide. It is usually used in cat and dog flea sprays.
  • Methoprene – an isopropyl ester and growth regulator commonly used to control pest infestations by disrupting their life cycle. Its color is amber, and it exudes a faint fruity scent. 
  • Piperonyl Butoxide – a waxy white solid organic compound used as a synergist component of pesticide formulations. It is often used to enhance other ingredients to increase their potency. 

If you’ve ever wondered how to get rid of ticks and fleas on dog bedding in your home, in your garden, and even from your beloved dog, visit Pest Guide for helpful blogs, guides, and product reviews.

Visit Pest Guide Today

Your pets don’t deserve to be infested with ticks and fleas. It can be itchy, can cause irritation, and can cause sickness. Visit Pest Guide to find a handful of helpful resources like articles, products, and guides that could help you with your fleas and ticks problems.

If the ticks and fleas problem becomes uncontrollable, it’s time to hire a professional pest control team to eliminate them. Get free estimates at Pest Guide now!


If your dog or cat has a case of ticks and fleas, there is a very good chance they’re lurking in the darkest, moistest areas of your backyard too.

Adams Flea and Tick Spray FAQs

Can piperonyl butoxide poison pets?

It depends on the type of your pet. For mammals and birds, piperonyl butoxide is relatively nontoxic, which is why you can use it on them. However, if your pets are freshwater and saltwater fish, you should be more careful in using the compound since it is mildly toxic for them. You should also note that piperonyl butoxide is highly toxic to aquatic invertebrates like water fleas and shrimps. 

Can Apple cider vinegar kill ticks on dogs?

It is not proven that apple cider kills fleas and ticks on dogs, but these pests get irritated by apple cider vinegar. Since this vinegar does not kill the pests, it is most likely that fleas and ticks jump off and stay off from your pet as long as you spray it with apple cider vinegar.

What diseases can humans get from fleas?

There are a couple of diseases that you can get from flea bites. Some of which are parasitic dermatitis, Lyme disease, Bartonella, ehrlichiosis, rickettsiae, meningoencephalitis, and tapeworms. There are other diseases that you can get from fleas that is why you should always treat flea infestations in their early stages.