Kissing Bug

Pest Status:


Triatoma spp


They have a black or brown color, although you’ll find some species with tan, yellow, or red markings on the abdomen.


have cone-shaped heads and measure 14-24mm long in size

The Kissing bug also referred to as the vampire bug is found throughout the United States. Find out why it’s a significant threat, and how to identify it.

Facts, Identification, and Control

Here’s everything you need to know about kissing bug, and how to control kissing bug.

Facts about Kissing Bug

Where Do Live?

Kissing bugs love the outdoors where they forage for food. These insects are available all over America, but some species are in Africa, Asia, and Australia.

What Do They Eat?

These insects fed off the blood of vertebrates. You’ll find them close or near homes that have easy blood access.

How Did I Get Kissing Bug?

If you have doorway lighting or a bright porch, chances of attracting kissing bugs are high. These pests can enter your home through windows, exposed cracks, crawl spaces, and open chimney flues. Pets like dogs or cats can also spread these bugs inside.

How Serious are Kissing Bug Problems?

Kissing bugs can lead to problems like:

Allergic Reactions

Kissing bug saliva can cause allergies to hypersensitive people, leading to itchy, swollen, and red skin.

Cause Bites

These insects bite, although the result is only mild redness and pain. They feed at night and can target mammals.

Disease Transmission

Kissing bugs can carry Chagas disease through their droppings. Someone may be infected if the feces get through broken skin.

What Can I Do About Kissing Bug?

A stink bug, but is it a Marmolated bug, a pest?

You can prevent kissing bugs from accessing your home by closing the exterior doors tightly and caulking around cables, plumbing pipes, and utility lines. Repair cracks in your foundation, and any damaged screens on attic vents and crawlspace vents. Ensure there are no firewood files near the house, and inspect your pets for these bugs.

Signs of a Kissing Bug Infestation

Kissing bugs are difficult to spot during the day due to their secretive nature. The only way to tell that you have an infestation is through their bites.

Kissing Bug Prevention and Control Tips

Although kissing bug disease is rare, it’s always best to use preventive methods in addition to clearing debris like:

Mow Around

Keep the grass and any vegetation trimmed.

Change the Lights

If you have white bulbs, consider changing them to yellow ones to avoid attracting these insects.

Kissing Bug Professional Pest Control

With over 11 species of kissing bugs in the U.S., it can be challenging to tell which type of pest you are dealing with. Working with a kissing bug pest control company can help prevent these pests from coming into your house.
More information about kissing bug


Some common questions you may have about kissing bugs include:

What is a Kissing Bug?

Kissing bugs are winged insects that are nocturnal and feed on blood.

What Does a Kissing Bug Bite Look Like?

A kissing bug bite looks like a reddish swollen mark that can sometimes be itchy.