Killer Bees

Pest Status:


Hymenoptera Apoidea


brown and a golden-yellow color


They have an oval shape, six legs, and are half an inch in size.

Killer bees have the potential to be dangerous. They have a tendency to swarm and chase people who disturb their nests. Then sting them repeatedly. To avoid this happening to you, it is important to know how to recognize a killer bee infestation and handle it the right way.

Below we explain the different approaches you could take and look at the pros and cons of each method. As well as how to make it less likely that they will come back.

First, let´s start, by answering some of the questions we know you all have. The more you know about killer bees the easier it will be for you to ensure that no one in your household gets badly stung by them.

Can Killer Bees Kill You?

If you are allergic to the sting of killer bees you can go into anaphylactic shock and die. Fortunately, very few people suffer from this condition.

Studies have shown that, for most people, the sting of a killer bee is no more harmful than that of a honeybee. The problem is that they tend to swarm and attack as a group. This means that you can be stung hundreds of times. Should that happen, your body´s defenses can be overwhelmed, which can lead to death.

Can someone die from a Killer Bee sting even if they aren’t allergic? 

As we mentioned above it is possible for someone who is not allergic to killer bee stings to die. But, it rarely happens. There are only a few such recorded deaths, each year. It’s estimated that it takes roughly 10 stings per pound of bodyweight for some to die by killer bee stings. So if someone weighs 170 lbs, they need to be stung 1,700 times. While this is not likely, killer bees are known to be more aggressive than their honey bee and carpenter bee counterparts, who will not chase or swarm people as far or aggressively as killer bees will

Killer Bees FAQ’s – 

How can you escape killer bees?

You can escape killer bees, by running away. You need to run in a straight line. This conserves energy and makes it less likely that you will be stung. They will chase you until you reach shelter and shut them outside. Do not flail your arms and do your best to protect your head by pulling a jacket or something similar over it.

Are you born with a bee sting allergy or can you develop it?

Most people are not born with a bee sting allergy. It is something that can develop over time. It is possible to be stung on several occasions without having an allergic reaction, then to suddenly do so. Once you do become allergic to bee stings that allergy does not go away.

How far will killer bees chase you?

Killer bees will chase you until you reach shelter. There are records of them chasing people for 500 meters, but it is possible that they could chase you even further.


More information about killer bees