Jumping Spider

Pest Status:




brown, tan, or gray with pale markings.


Small and compact

Jumping spiders are cute in photographs, but disconcerting watching them move around. If you’ve ever been surprised by their appearance, read on.

Facts, Identification, and Control

Here’s what to keep in mind

Facts about Jumping Spiders

Keep these things in mind.

Where Do They Live?

They live in the United States and typically hunt places where insects swarm like doors or windows.

What Does a Jumping Spider eat?

They eat small insects like most of their cousins, capturing prey by jumping.

How Did I Get Jumping Spiders?

You probably let one in accidentally through an opening. They were chasing prey or coming in from the cold.

How Serious Are Jumping Spider Problems?

They’re more of a nuisance than a real problem but can be bothersome.

Problem #1

They move quickly and having a spider jump on you can be startling.

Problem #2

They do bite, but it’s rarely dangerous. It could sting and turn red, and many spider bites are misdiagnosed.

Problem #3

They can be tough to catch, and there’s no way to tell if you’ve got them in your house until you see them.

What Can I Do about Jumping Spiders?

Seal your doors and windows and sweep insects away from these thresholds. The spiders won’t be able to get in, and you won’t attract them in the first place.

Signs of Jumping Spiders?

The only sign is you seeing them. They don’t build webs, but you may find their loose home. They prefer outdoors, however, and are highly active in the daytime.

Jumping Spider Prevention and Control Tips

Consider these options to get rid of them.

Control tip #1

Keep them outside by checking your doors and windows for cracks or places to get in.

Control tip #2

Make sure you check any plants you bring inside to be sure you aren’t carrying a jumping spider into your house. They like to hang out on vegetation.

Control tip #3

Make sure you’re keeping your house free of things that attract insects because these could lure spiders into your home.

Jumping Spider Professional Pest Control

Get professional help for spider problems because a professional can help. The most venomous jumping spider doesn’t live in the US (and neither does the largest jumping spider) so if you see a bug that looks like a jumping spider, it’s probably a standard species. Your professional can make recommendations.