Black Widow Spider

Pest Status:




three to ten millimeters in size


shiny black

There are five black widow species in the U.S. Black widows have venom that’s 15 times stronger than that of a rattlesnake. Read on to find out more about the black widow spider

Facts, Identification, and Control

Here are the distinguishing characteristics of the black widow spider.

Facts about Black Widow Spider

Black widow spiders are common in the Midwest but are spread throughout the 50 states.

Where Do They Live?

They live around woodpiles and create their webs near stacks of wood. They can also form webs in outhouses or cluttered garages.

What DoThey  Eat?

These spiders feed on any insects they can get. They’ll kill or paralyze their prey with venom, and sting a fluid that allows them to remove the digestive liquid food.

How Did I Get Black Widow Spider?

If you have piles of firewood, tall grass, or accumulated debris on your backyard, you may easily attract the male black widow spider. These spiders find these places convenient as they can build webs, find food, and hide.
Also, if you have an insect problem, that could pose a potential black widow problem.

How Serious are Black Widow Spider Problems?

Black widows can cause problems like:

Being Irritating and Annoying

These spiders build multiple webs, which can be a nuisance to any homeowner.


Female black widows may bite to protect themselves from predators. A black widow spider bite is venomous and can cause intense pain that may need immediate medical attention.

What Can I Do about Black Widow Spider?

Reduce the risk of a black widow spider infestation by removing clutter. Exercise caution when removing these spiders and wear protective gloves when moving items. Store any wood piles some distance away from home. If you suspect that you may have an infestation, get in touch with black widow spider pest control company immediately.

Signs of a Black Widow Spider Infestation

The presence of webs on your property is one of the common symptoms of a spider infestation. These spiders create irregular and messy webs near ground level. Another sign is the presence of a silken sac that holds eggs.

Black Widow Spider Prevention and Control Tips

You can minimize the prevalence of black widow spiders by:

Removing Their Hiding Places

Remove their hiding places, such as piles of wood, clutter, and outdoor furniture.

Seal any Gaps

Spiders gain entry through the holes and gaps around your foundation and on your walls. Make sure to seal off all gaps to prevent entry.

Clean and Vacuum

Clean everything up to create an unfavorable environment for these insects, which in turn will prevent a false black widow spider infestation.

Contact a Pest Control Company

Your best bet when it comes to preventing black widows is to get in touch with a pest control company.

Black Widow Spider Professional Pest Control

Getting rid of other insect populations that the black widow spider thrives one is an excellent way to prevent them from invading your home. A pest management professional has the skills, equipment, and experience to address a black widow spider problem effectively.
More information on black widow spider


How do you kill black widows naturally?

You can kill black widows naturally, but you need to be careful you do not want to get bitten. So, wear thick gloves and clothing with tight cuffs. Hunt them down and spray them with some sort of sticky aerosol. Glue is ideal, this incapacitates the spider so you can squash them. Throwing food-grade diatomaceous earth over them and their web also works. If you prefer to hire a professional to deal with this venomous spider, just call us.

What insects kill black widows?

A few insects kill black widows. Certain types of wasps such as mud daubers eat a lot of them. Praying mantises also hunt and kill black widows. Lizards and some types of birds eat them too. There are other ways to keep them at bay including hiring professional pest controllers like the ones we work with at PestGuide.

What is the most dangerous spider in the world?

The most dangerous spider in the world is those that belong to the Brazilian Wandering Spider (Phoneutria) genus. This family of spiders carry a highly toxic venom and can bite humans. They don´t mind living in populated areas, which is one of the reasons they are considered to be so dangerous. If you have an infestation, it is wise to hire a professional pest controller, which you can do with the help of PestGuide.