Fruit Flies Control

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Fruit flies are among the widely recognized yet most damaging and dreaded fruit and vegetable pests worldwide. These little pests cause more than an annoyance to humans. Fruit flies even cause economic losses to the United States

Aside from product spoilage, the country also shoulders the expense of implementing control measures. Fruit flies also cause market share loss by limiting the importation of host products. They can also threaten your health, so it’s no wonder no one wants these pesky gnats in their homes.

If you want to learn how to get rid of fruit flies, this guide is for you.

Getting to Know Your Enemies: Fruit Flies

You may have spotted uninvited, buzzing guests in your kitchen. Gnats hovering over your fruits or vegetables, damp mops, countertops, and trash cans signify fruit fly infestation. 

It’s easy to recognize fruit flies or drosophila melanogaster. Adult fruit flies typically have red eyes and are around 1/8 inch long. They have tan and dark bodies. You can always find them near food sources, especially decaying fruit and moist organic materials. Female fruit flies can lay about 500 eggs on a damp and rotting surface. After emerging, the tiny larvae stay close to the surface of the fermenting mass to continue feeding. Their life cycle can last from 8 to 15 days. 

According to research, fruit flies can spread diseases from a contaminated surface to an uninfected one. They can carry bacteria like Salmonella, E. listeria, and E. coli. Each of these three bacteria causes food poisoning. Severe cases may require hospitalization and may pose a risk to your life.

How to Control and Manage Infestation of Fruit Flies

Fruit flies are challenging to manage and get rid of due to their small size and prolific reproduction behavior. Dealing with fruit flies can be frustrating for both home and business owners. 

Below are six ways to control and manage fruit fly infestation:

Eliminate Their Breeding Site

Locate the source of the fruit fly infestation and use bleach to clean up the area. You will get rid of fruit flies and other insects like cockroaches and ants. Eliminating their source is sufficient to keep fruit flies away.

Use DIY Fruit Fly Traps

Fruit flies love rotten fruits; use them against these pests! Cover the decaying fruit or organic matter with plastic wrap. Poke holes in the plastic wrap. The flies would swarm inside the wrap. After that, you can dispose of them as you see fit.

Use dish soap and apple cider vinegar combo. Mix them in a container. The vinegar will serve as the “attractant,” while the dish soap makes it difficult for the flies to escape.

Use Pesticides with Caution

You can use aerosols and insecticides to kill adult fruit flies, but they won’t always prevent the eggs from hatching. They also contain chemicals that are detrimental to your health and the environment. Read the pesticide label’s directions and safety precautions, and use them correctly.

Hire a Pest Control Professional

If the infestation becomes unmanageable through home remedies, it is time to hire an expert. Getting fruit fly control services from a reputable pest control company is crucial. A dependable pest control company can eliminate all adult fruit flies and their eggs at a reasonable cost. They will analyze the severity of the infestation and any potential health risks and recommend the best course of action.

Four Ways to Prevent Fruit Flies from Coming Back

After eliminating adult fruit flies and their eggs, it is essential to take preventive measures. Follow these four key steps to prevent fruit flies from reappearing in your home:

  1. Sanitizing your area is always the number one preventive measure. You can always stop fruit flies from returning by ensuring you clean common areas and have a proper garbage disposal. Cover your garbage cans and clean any spills all the time.
  2. Be picky with the fruits and vegetables you buy. Buy fresh products and make sure to inspect for fruit fly puncture marks. Wash and store them properly when you get home. Throw rotting food right away.
  3. Use window and door mesh screens. These will prevent adult flies from coming inside your house.
  4. Always turn off the lights in your front yard. Lights draw newly mature fruit flies.

Pro Tip

Pest Guide can provide you with more information about the specific pests and the possible treatment alternatives.

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Don’t Let Fruit Flies Pester Your Home!

Your home should be your haven, and keeping pests out is a part of keeping it safe. Once you have a fruit fly infestation, getting rid of these pests can take a few days to weeks. It is a matter of being consistent with the steps and tips above. Contacting a pest control expert for effective and safe solutions is also advisable. For more helpful pest infestation tips and resources, visit Pest Guide now!

Is your home infested with fruit flies? Contact PestGuide now to start eliminating your pest problem.

Frequently Asked Questions

Fruit flies can be a disturbance all year round, but they are more active in the late summer and early fall.

A homemade spray with hot water and drops of lemongrass, peppermint, lavender, eucalyptus, or basil oil can instantly kill fruit flies upon contact.

Some flies lay their eggs on or close to a wound or sore.

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