Getting Rid of Small Black Ants

Ants come in all sizes and colors, but the most common household pests are small black ants or Monomorium minimum. They are tinier than most ants and are harmless. However, they seem to come out of nowhere and get into everything from food to electrical wiring. The worst thing is it seems almost impossible to get rid of them. 

The first thing you need to understand about ants is they always start from outside the home. The only reason they would come in is if you put out the welcome mat with food and water. It could be a poorly sealed food box or a sink full of dirty dishes. If you like walking around munching on a cookie, the ants will happily follow your trail.

Once they find a regular source of sustenance in the home, they will leave a pheromone trail for their fellow ants to follow. So, is it mission impossible to rid yourself of these tiny pests? Nothing is impossible. This article provides some ways to get rid of small black ants.

Getting Rid of Small Black Ants in the House

You can prevent small black ants from colonizing your home in the first place by denying them sustenance. However, if you already have a burgeoning infestation on your hands, the only thing you can do is go on the offensive. 

The Natural Way

You know you have an infestation of small black ants when you see them. If you follow their trail, you will usually see where you have food or water lying around.

Keep your house clean to discourage them from coming in, especially your kitchen. Spray  a vinegar-water solution along the ant trail to get rid of any pheromone the pioneers left behind to confuse the buggers. You could also use caulk to seal up cracks on window sills and any other entry point from outside. 

These tactics should work if you just have a few ants in the home. However, if these natural methods prove ineffective, it might be time to bring out the big guns.

The Chemical Way






Using natural means to get rid of pests should always be your first choice,  However, sometimes the situation calls for something a little more aggressive. That means going after the colony itself. For this, you have three choices: bait, sprays, and dusts.

  • Baits – Ant bait is toxic to ants, but it will not kill them at once. The idea is they will carry the bait back to the colony and the queen. However, it may take days before it takes effect, and it can be harmful to small pets and children if ingested. If you can find the colony, put the bait near it instead of inside the home. You also have to make sure the bait you use will work on small black ants. 
  • Sprays – Sprays are toxic to most ants and other creepy crawlies as well and can easily permeate through cracks and crevices. Aside from killing the ants you can see, it will also serve as a repellent if you spray the perimeter of the home. However, sprays are short term solutions as they kill instantly, so it will not get rid of the source of the problem, which is the colony.
  • Dusts – Dusts are also effective at wiping out a colony if you can find the nest because it kills on contact. If you can’t find the nest, you can use ant dust in crevices and cracks where you think ants go to keep them from coming in. Be very careful when you apply it, however, as it is quite toxic.

Any of these methods should put a dent in your ant problem. However, while small black ants are harmless, not all pests are so benign. Ensure your home is free from all pests by finding out all you can about home pest control.


Insect Populations Decline by 25% Since the 90s

Causes of Small Black Ant Infestation in the House

Presence of food The main goal of small black ants is to find food. If your home is a food source, then that will lead to an infestation.
High humidity Small black ants need water to live, and a humid home is like water on tap for them. Like settlers along the river, they are there to stay.
Seasonality Ant swarmers (winged colonizers) are active in July and August, which is when you might suddenly see ants in your home.

If you observe a severe infestation of black ants in your area, contact the expert professionals of PestGuide.


Pro Tip:

Avoid small black ants infestation by constantly cleaning your kitchen.

Call a Professional to Get Rid of Small Black Ants

Knowledge is power, and that applies to getting rid of small black ants as well. PestGuide is your comprehensive resource for understanding small black ants, how to identify them, and how to get rid of them. PestGuide also provides pest guides for all sorts of critters, reviews on pest control products, and an easy way to find reliable pest control professionals to come to your aid. We have it all when it comes to pest control.

Getting Rid of Small Black Ants FAQs 

Will ants go away on their own?

No. Once ants invade the home, they are not going to leave without a fight. You will have to take action to get rid of them. 

Why do ants suddenly appear?

In most cases, you will see ants appear like magic when there is food around or the weather turns nasty. However, when it is July or August, it could be a sign that a swarmer (winged ant that builds nests) found your home and decided to claim it for its own.

Why are there ants when there is no food?

Food is the primary reason ants come into the home, but other factors may also come into play. It could be to seek shelter, safety, or water. If your home is humid or the weather is bad, ants will come. 
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