Does Dry Cleaning Kill Bed Bugs?
Our fully inclusive guide on whether or not dry cleaning really does kill the bed bug and its’ eggs.
It’s likely you’ll have heard of a multitude of methods that help to get rid of bed bugs by now, right? Initially many people think it’s a job for professionals, but so long as you do your research, are thorough, and the infestation isn’t too excessive, there is a chance you can get rid of the bed bugs yourself.
One of the most favoured methods of ridding the home of bed bugs is dry cleaning. But does dry cleaning really kill bed bugs?
Read on for our fully inclusive guide on whether or not dry cleaning really does kill bed bug sand their eggs.
Will Dry Cleaning Kill Off Bed Bugs?
The answer to this question very much depends on the products you use in your dry cleaning, and the temperature at which your machine can actually reach. Generally speaking, dry cleaning makes clothes and fabrics last longer, so is favoured by many.
The vast majority of the time, a dry cleaner will reach a high of eighty six degrees Fahrenheit. The reason for this is because any higher of a temperature can damage the clothes and other items inside of it.
Bed bugs are sensitive to extreme temperatures. However, they don’t actually start dying until exposed to temperatures exceeding one hundred and thirteen degrees Fahrenheit. Do you see the problem here? It can be difficult to kill off the bed bugs in a dry cleaner without damaging the fabric you’re putting inside of it.
Some chemicals used in dry cleaning can kill off bed bugs, however. If they are not used, then it’s unlikely that dry cleaning will actually kill off the bed bugs with it only reaching eighty six degrees.
Are There Any Ways that I Can Kill Bed Bugs Off Using Dry Cleaning?
Very simply, if you are going to use dry cleaning in order to kill off bed bugs, then you must use chemicals. The temperature alone isn’t going to be enough to eradicate them.
So the answer to the question does dry cleaning kill bed bugs is both no, and yes. It simply depends on what you use in your dry cleaning.
If you aren’t going to use chemicals in your dry cleaning, then it won’t kill the bed bugs, because it’s likely the dry cleaner will not reach the temperature of one hundred and thirteen degrees, which is the temperature at which they will start to die.
Even using chemicals won’t give you a straight yes. It’s still a maybe. In some cases and with certain chemicals, bed bugs can still survive a dry clean, and therefore it’s not a definite go – to form of extermination.
Our advice would be to try another method. Chances are dry cleaning will waste your time and leave you with the same bed bug problem as you had before.
Thanks for reading!
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