Flesh Fly: Information, Pictures, Guides and Facts
Flesh Fly: Information, Facts, and Pictures
Although you may be familiar with houseflies, you may have heard nothing about flesh flies. These flies tend to flock in large numbers and can be challenging to control.
However, if you don’t know how they look, you may use the wrong methods to get rid of them.
In this guide, learn more about these flesh eating flies. We also tell you how to identify flesh flies in house.
Facts, Identification, and Control
Flesh flies belong to a flying insect species that lay eggs on open wounds or carcasses. You’re likely to find them on dead carcasses and remains. It’s unlikely for infestations to be shared in the house.
Below are some more facts about these flies with red eyes.
Latin Name
Family Sarcophagidae
These flies are about half an inch long. Flesh flies resemble houseflies, but the flesh fly has a different pattern. It has a checkered pattern on its abdomen, and its thorax has dark stripes. You’ll also notice their bright red eyes, the reason a flesh fly is referred to as the large fly with red eyes.
Facts About Flesh flies
Flesh flies depend on dead or live tissue to complete their life cycle. These pests go through the egg, larva, pupa, and adult stages.
The eggs incubate, develop, and hatch inside the adult’s body or near carcasses instead of external food sources. Once the eggs hatch, the female deposits larvae into decomposing flesh, manure, or other suitable areas.
Each species prefers different sources and decomposition stages to deposit the larvae. Nevertheless, the female chooses the laying site that has plenty of food to complete the lifecycle. Larvae feed for four days.
A female can produce hundreds of eggs in her lifetime. Some common developmental sites include inside animal carcasses, decaying meat garbage.
The flies pupate after completing the larval stage. The pupae can remain dormant for weeks, but some species take up to 15 days. Once the larvae are ready to pupate, they wander to find a favorable location.
An adult is the same size as a housefly once they complete the lifecycle. They have a red body portion on their abdomen, red eyes, and transparent wings. The lifespan of these flies may extend up to 21 days, depending on conditions and species.
Where Do They Live?
Flesh flies infest packing and meat processing facilities. They may burrow underground and may be found on foundations.
These flies are attracted to houses by the smell of food and air currents emitted through cracks around windows and doors. A sudden appearance of these flies signals a dead rodent, animal, or bird in crawl space, ceiling, or attic.
What Do They Eat?
Flesh flies can feed on grasshopper nymphs, decaying feces, organic waste, carrion, and blowfly larvae. They don’t bite humans but may infect wounds.
How Did I Get Flesh Flies
Do I have flesh fly in my house? You may have flesh flies infesting your home if you have poorly maintained compost bins and exposed garbage and trash cans. Also, if you have dead animals outside, you may attract these flies.
Flesh flies may also get into your house if you have pet feces accumulating outdoors.
How Serious are Flesh Flies Problems?
Although adult flesh flies do not pose a health risk to humans or livestock, their young ones can cause problems like:
Spreading Diseases
The larvae burrow from wounds into the flesh of livestock. If you happen to consume meat or food contaminated with larvae, you can suffer from intestinal infections.
What’s more, these pests can transmit organisms hey pick from their carcasses like Myiasis, diarrhea, and dysentery.
Being a Nuisance
The presence of flash flies can be a nuisance to any homeowner. You may find it challenging to host guests or have peace in your house with these flies around.
What Can I About Flesh Flies?
If you notice these flies around, that may show that you have a flesh fly problem. You need to remove any decaying matter from your property. Check your attic and walls for any dead animals.
You also need to contact a pest management professional to conduct an inspection and recommend the best way to remove these flies.
Signs of a Flesh Fly Infestation
You may notice a significant number of flies if they develop inside. For example, if rodents or birds die in your attic, they may attract these flies, something that could lead to an infestation.
Flesh Fly Prevention and Control Tips
You can prevent flesh flies from invading your home by:
Eliminate any Debris
Get rid of any debris that may act as a breeding area for these flies.
Remove Animal Carcasses
Check your drains, garden, and exterior for animals that could have died. If you have pets like cats, ensure that you check under appliances and anywhere, the cat is fond of visiting.
A rotten animal carcass could the source of the infestation. Once you find it, place it in a tight bag to stop the eggs from attracting other flies. Burning is also an excellent way to get rid of dead animals.
Cover Trash Cans and Compost Bins
If you have outdoor trash cans or compost bins, ensure that you cover them with tight-fitting lids to prevent access. Flesh flies can lay their eggs on manure, and any other place that has decaying matter. You can avoid this by cleaning the trash cans and covering them.
Seal Cracks
These flies lay their eggs underground, and could easily access your home through cracks or crevices in your foundation. Inspect your house for any cracks, and seal them immediately.
If you have spaces on your door and windows, make sure that the edges have tight weather stripping. You can also get tight-fitting screens.
Flash Fly Professional Pest Control
The most effective and safest way to remove flesh flies from your home is to contact a pest control company once you notice that you have an infestation. Experienced pest specialists can recommend modern, affordable, and safe treatment options.
They will identify the fly, find the source of breeding material, and remove anything that could be a food source for the larvae.
More information about flesh flies